In-Studio Milestone Session | Zoë

This was such a fun in-studio milestone session. I met Zoë when she was just a three day old newborn baby, and seeing how much she had grown already brought me so much joy.
Celebrating these milestone moments is so important. Three months old is a huge difference from a newborn, so I love being able to capture all the ways baby has changed and grown. From holding their head up, enjoying tummy time, gummy smiles, bringing their hands to their mouth and even grasping your hand with their tiny fingers, there are so many milestones to celebrate. As we all know, time flies much too fast when they’re so small, and it’s easy to forget just how tiny and precious they were when they were still so young.
Both mama and Zoë were wearing pieces from my studio wardrobe collection. I love the way mama’s pastel floral dress complimented the mauve pink in Zoë’s knitted romper. Providing a stress-free experience for my families is an important key to a successful session, and allows my mamas to focus on loving on their little ones!
Please contact me if you’re looking for an in-studio milestone session. I would love to work with you! You can also visit my portfolio here or follow me on Instagram for updates on availability and upcoming events!