Doulas of Northern Virginia | Northern Virginia Birth Photographer

Earlier in the summer I had the pleasure of sitting down over lunch and getting to know Kaylie and Sasha. They were so gracious considering I showed up at the wrong location for our lunch meeting and had to drive 20+ minutes to meet them at the correct location! Needless to say it was a busy week, and I was so thankful to meet and click with them right away! I am so excited that I have been able to be a small part in helping these two get their new business: Doulas of Northern Virginia, off the ground by providing the images for their new online home! (If you aren’t too sure what a doula is or what they do, check our this earlier blog post)
We had a blast walking around Halstead Square in Merrifield, talking and laughing while we shot their new head shots to go along with their beautiful new brand. I can’t wait to work with these ladies and to watch their new business grow even more!
Hello Kylie & Sasha,
I enjoyed reading all about you and Sasha. I also loved the pictures because it showed both your lovely personalities and how much you both enjoy what you do. If I was having a baby, I would definitely have chosen Sasha as my Douglas and Kylie my photographer, but God blessed me with two beautiful children and grandchildren. Keep up the work helping and starting memories for moms & dads.
Nancy Mata