Creative @ Heart | Business

Usually when I sit down to write a blog post, I struggle with what to write, how to begin, how long should it be etc. This post is certainly no different, but in a good way–because there is so much I want to say. Hang in there with me while I try and clearly communicate all of my thoughts on Creative at Heart!
I signed up for the Creative at Heart Conference feeling like I needed something to kick start 2015, and what better way than to learn from some of the most successful business owners in the industry. During my time at the conference and shortly after I was so focused on the ‘tangible’ things I learned, like how to blog better, scheduling posts for social media, marketing, work/life balance, branding etc. What I didn’t realize was that some of the most important things I would take home were intangible: friends, connections, cheerleaders, mentors, excitement, encouragement, and love.
Last spring when I was deciding whether or not to leave my full time teaching job, someone pointed out to me how much I would miss about the camaraderie of working in a school. You see, being a full time or even a part time small business owner means working for yourself, but also by yourself. I don’t get to walk to the next classroom and chat with my colleague about my day, which, at times it leaves you lonely.
While meeting and talking to other small business owners that weekend, we all came to a realization that most of us are in the same boat, feeling that same sense of loneliness in our businesses. Whether that means you’ve been in business for 10 years or are just starting out; whether you have kids or don’t; so many of us, whether we realized it or not, came to C@H looking for something more than a take home to-do list of how to make our businesses better. (which don’t get me wrong-I am a super practical person, so I did bring home plenty of lists)
We all came looking to make connections, to build a community, a camaraderie, despite the fact that we don’t see each other on a daily basis and even though some of us do the same job, in the same area. We came looking for our cheerleaders, people to join our team, who know our passion, our hard-work and our struggles. In essence, that is what C@H is all about. Maybe you’re struggling with how to blog, market, balance life and work; and you will definitely walk away with all information on how to better run your business. But you will most certainly walk away with a community of small business owners ready to support you in your business, which is pretty priceless.
Now, here are a few of my favorites: roomies, fellow KJ brides, mentors, and friends!!!
Following the conference, I felt refreshed and ready to jump into 2015 with all of the knowledge and encouragement I had gained. I had several conversations with Kat (who is the co-founder of C@H, as well as our wedding coordinator and a dear friend in the creative industry) about my experience and the future of C@H. She told me about her plans to expand the C@H team, and asked me to jump on board with her, as well as some other fabulously talented ladies. I am elated for this new journey, and to be a part of a team thats going to grow C@H for attendees, and the creative industry as a whole! If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me, any of the other team members or speakers, we would love to chat with you!
Yay!!!! Can’t wait to hang out with you again, pretty girl! 🙂