Top 12 Cant Live Without Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist From A Twin Mom of 3

Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist
As a mom of three now, I couldn’t have made it through without my favorites from my breastfeeding essentials checklist. After nursing our babies for nearly ten months, these got us through the best and most challenging of times.
I’ve been asked over and over what I can’t live without or what I recommend to other moms. Of course, we had our fair share of breastfeeding “issues.” Between oversupply, undersupply, acid reflux, milk blebs, clogged ducts, tongue and lip ties, latch issues, vasospasm, etc. You name it. We’ve likely been through it!
While I firmly believe breastfeeding was the right choice for us (and for some, the most natural way to feed their baby), we know there can be unexpected hurdles for both new and seasoned mamas.
This list compiles a few things I hope will help you along the way as they have helped us!
An Educated Partner/Support Team
Being able to breastfeed was something that was important to both my husband and me. We both read the same book, took the same breastfeeding class, and watched the same YouTube Videos to prepare
Being supported meant more to us than saying, “I’m here to support you.” For us, it meant he did a lot of the changing, burping, soothing, preparing food, etc. That meant I could focus on nursing the babies and caring for myself in those early weeks.
It also meant that he didn’t expect to come home from work to a fresh meal (or a clean house, folded laundry, smiling babies, etc). He understood my need to rest, hydrate, and eat nourishing foods so my body could make milk.
People frequently asked me how I was able to nurse twins, and my answer was always the same. I couldn’t do it without Mark’s support.
Knowing who to call and when to call them is also essential for successful breastfeeding. Whether you need an IBCLC, a friend, your mom or sister, or even a doctor (for more serious health concerns), an educated partner will know how to support you best.
Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant
This is my number one recommendation on the Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist for anyone who is thinking about breastfeeding. An IBCLC is an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant and is a healthcare professional trained to manage the clinical side of breastfeeding and offer unbiased support.
They help evaluate latch issues, positioning, tongue and lip ties, etc. They typically have a team of other medical professionals and can refer you to if you need further support, such as a Pediatric Dentist, ENT, Cranial-sacral Therapist, and more.
If you are in the Northern Virginia area, I highly recommend Riverside Lactation and Creative Lactation. Both have supported us and our babies during our journey.
A Good Nursing Pillow
My absolute favorite nursing pillow was the Twin Brest Friend. The flat surface and the shape of the Brest Friend was what worked best for all of us and allowed me to nurse both babies in the football position until about seven months.
I also used two Boppy’s pillows on either side of me so that when I was on my own, I could put each baby down in the Boppy and then sit down, put the Brest Friend on, and then take each baby from the Boppy and transfer them to the Brest Friend to nurse. There are tons of Youtube videos out there if you’d like to see how other twin moms do it!
A Nursing Bra & Pumping Bra
A good Nursing Bra (and Pumping Bra) were also life savers. My favorite was the Medela. It was comfortable, with no underwire. The hooks were easy to take on and off, and it was easy to throw in the washer. Thankfully I never really needed to explore beyond that. Bonus, you can find them at Target or order them from Amazon.
Nursing Attire
Another staple to add to the Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist was nursing attire. A few key things that were helpful to me in the first few weeks were a nursing gown that a friend gifted me from Gap and a robe that I used when I was pregnant and nursing.
Disposable Nursing Pads
These ended up being my favorite because I changed them out frequently in the beginning and couldn’t keep up with washing the reusable ones.
I also found that the reusable options didn’t stay put inside of my bra, which was annoying to have to try and fix frequently. The disposable options have a sticky strip on the back, so they stay put!
Snacks on Snacks on Snacks
Having Lactation Cookies on hand is a must in this Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist (be sure to scroll to the bottom for my favorite recipe) kept me going. Literally, I made a new batch of these cookies every few days. Bonus – they’re filling, somewhat healthy, yummy, and help with your supply.
I also found some bars by a great company, Oat Mama. They were great to throw in the diaper bag and have on the go! My favorite flavor was S’mores! Be sure to sign up for the newsletter on their website to get fantastic promotions!) You can use the code EMILYGERALD15 for 15% off!
A Go-To Water Bottle
My all-time favorite was Bubba Cups. They can easily be found at Target or Amazon. They keep your drinks cold and have a straw, making it easy to use one-handed.
Nipple Cream
I used this cream so much the first few weeks but not much after. It really helped when I was sore those first few weeks while I got used to nursing.
A Trusted Supplement
Legendairy Milk Supplements was by far the best out there. They are all-natural, fenugreek-free supplements. They’ve even added tea and brewers yeast to their line. I have yet to have someone NOT respond well to them.
At one point, I had nearly 1,000 ounces of milk in my freezer thanks to these supplements. Their Instagram has so many testimonials, so you can see how well they work. Use the code HENRYANDLOU for 15% off of your order!
Everyday Mother
Everyday Mother helped us keep our sanity. I know there are apps out there, but it was a staple for us (with twins and a third baby). We had different family members helping, doctors’ appointments, nurses, etc. This book was the best purchase I made to keep track.
It’s laid out perfectly, easily fits in the diaper bag, and has become a treasured keepsake for documenting their sleeping, eating, and diapers (all the stuff they want to know at the doctor’s). But we also used it for the fun stuff. First bath. First smile, etc.
Jackie, the owner, and designer, is a sweet mama to a little boy born prematurely, and the mission of her business is so special. I can’t recommend this enough!
Nipple Shields (With a Catch)
Medela Soft Shells were a lifesaver! My postpartum nurse recommended them, and I don’t think I would have survived the first few weeks without them.
They allow air to get to the nipple, which helps them heal during that transition period. They look a little funny but are totally worth wearing around the house!
If you are reading this post after April of 2022, you know by now that we have added a third little one to the bunch. My experience with nursing one baby versus two was quite different and there a few things I added to my list this time around!
Milk Catchers
I wouldnt have survived without these, and thankfully they helped us build a little stash of milk in the beginning. While my milk was still coming in I had an oversupply, so I used these in my bra on the opposite side from where the baby was nursing. They caught the let down on that side which allowed us to save the milk in a bottle in the fridge, and at the end of the day we transferred it to a freezer bag! Win-win!
No one had told me about these when I had the twins, but they were a life saver with Albert, they help the nipples heal from any damage and are soothing as you adjust in those early days-bonus, they are antimicrobial!
A Haaka is a wearable pump, so you definitely don’t want to use it to catch milk, but if you need a pump on the go and cant plug in anywhere (or don’t already have a portable pump this thing is a lifesaver. It also works wonders if you have a clogged duct so its make the Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist!
Frida Mom Nursing Pillow
I couldn’t have lived without this nursing pillow! It has everything you need, from a pocket for your phone, a removable (and washable cover) a secure strap, and it even adjusts by height. Albert was a heavy baby so the other nursing pillows literally got squished when he laid on them and he would no longer be in the right position to nurse. This pillow is firm and held him up so I could save my back! Highly recommend.
Dr Browns Bottles
Albert had a lot of nursing and feeding issues, and after working with a feeding therapist, I learned how amazing these bottles actually are for ALL babies, not just ones with feeding issues!
A Few Other Checklist Items
Listed in no particular order: Breast Pump, Car charger, Cooler and Ice Packs, Storage Bags, Bottles, Nursing Cover, Burp Cloths.
Lactation Cookies
1/2 cup virgin coconut oil | 3/4 cup brown sugar | 1 egg | 1 TBS vanilla extract | 2 TBS flaxseed meal | 3 TBS of water | 1 TBS brewers yeast | 1 cup flour | 1/2 tsp baking powder | 1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt | 1 tsp cinnamon | 1.5 cups rolled oats | 1 cup chips (chocolate, butterscotch, m&m’s, nuts, dried fruit, etc)
In a large mixer, cream the coconut oil and sugar. In a separate bowl, combine the flaxseed and water, and let them sit for a few minutes. Add the egg and vanilla to coconut oil and sugar mixture. Mix well. Add flaxseed and water mixture. Mix well. Add the dry ingredients: brewers yeast, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Mix well. Stir in the oats and chips. Scoop onto a baking sheet with parchment paper using a cookie scoop Flatten scoops of cookies on baking sheet before baking. (I use a piece of wax paper and a spatula to flatten, this helps them cook more evenly) Bake for 10 minutes at 350. (I rotate the pans halfway through) Let cool on baking sheets and enjoy from the Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist.
*use organic ingredients whenever possible
Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist
Did you enjoy reading this post about Breastfeeding Essentials Checklist? Are you hoping to see more posts like it? You can find more newborn photography blog posts from a Northern Virginia Newborn Photographer here, here, and here. If you are looking for studio maternity photos or lifestyle newborn photography in your home, you can find those here and here!
Ever wondered what a newborn photographer recommends you pack for your newborn session? Find my packing list over on this blog post. If you are looking for more tips and tricks, you can find my Must Have Newborn Items From A Newborn Photographer here.
Looking for nursery inspiration as you decorate for your new little love? You can see our Gender Neutral Twin Nursery Here, and our Gender Neutral Safari Theme Nursery here.
Please contact me if you’re looking for an in-studio lifestyle newborn photography session, an in home lifestyle newborn photography session, or a studio maternity session, or a milestone session with your baby and loved ones. I would love to work with you! You can also visit my portfolio here or follow me on Instagram for updates on availability and upcoming events. Santa sessions take place each fall in the studio and all families are welcome to join the waitlist! You can also visit my portfolio here or follow me on Instagram for updates on availability and upcoming events. Additionally, head over to my Pinterest for ideas and inspiration for our session together.