What To Pack For Your Newborn Session | Northern Virginia Photography

My Northern Virginia photography studio is designed to be a welcoming space for you and your precious newborn. I know how important and special this time is, and documenting these first moments with your little one is a gift. I wanted to share everything that you’ll need for your newborn session to ensure it is as relaxing and magical as possible.

Before our session, one thing to keep in mind is that a happy, sleepy newborn is one with a full belly! I encourage mamas to feed their babies prior to our session together so that everything can go smoothly. A photographer pro tip: if you have a toddler joining the session, bring some little treats. Candy, gummies, or teddy grahams, are great to reward them for all their participation with their little sibling!

Everything To Pack For Your Newborn Session
1. Newborn Attire
Most newborns don’t fill out their clothes completely and are more comfortable in soft fabrics, additionally they generally prefer to stay wrapped up, so I will provide a simple white swaddle to use. I recommend two white onesies (or solid, simple onesies) so we can grab a few photos of their little legs and toes! Feel free to bring along any bows or hats that you may want photographed.

2. Baby Necessities
Before our session, triple check the diaper bag! There are so many things to get in order before the session, and the last thing you want is something left behind. Especially if we’re in the studio, you’ll want to be prepared for anything. Be sure to have diapers, wipes, diaper cream, pacifiers, burp cloths, milk, and bottles. If we need a quick change during the session, that’s no problem at all– we just want to have everything on hand.

3. Parents and Toddlers
Of course you’ll need to have everything for yourself, your partner, and your other little one(s). For mamas, I recommend nude undergarments, and this includes a strapless bra. Even if you don’t plan on having anything off-the-shoulder, it’s always smart to be over-prepared! Bring any extras too, like hair brushes, or other accessories for yourself.

4. Snacks and Water
I already mentioned bringing some little treats for your toddler, but you need some for yourself, too! Keeping yourselves hydrated and nourished is super important. The last thing we’d want is anyone feeling anything less than their best.

Last but not least, we want everyone to be calm and relaxed for the session. Newborns (and toddlers) can pick up on your stress levels, and if you’re stressed, they will be too! You can trust me to provide the absolute best experience for your family as possible. Take a deep breath; you’re going to get beautiful and timeless images of your newborn and your family.
If you’re looking for a Northern Virginia photography, let’s get in touch! I would love to work with you and your little one(s). Make sure to follow me on Instagram for announcements and updates. Head over to my Pinterest for ideas and inspiration!