The Credle Family | Oakton VA | Family Photographer

While I have been catching up on my blogging, it has been increasingly difficult to select my FAVORITE images to share from each session, especially when you have gorgeous clients! Cliff and I work together, and I saw some of these images of his wife, Stacey, and the most adorable twins-Daniel and Anabella in his office just a few days ago. I was quickly reminded that their interactions as a family were so sweet and genuine, which makes for gorgeous pictures!
Stacey had Daniel and Belle bring their bear and lovey-which they treasure, along with them to capture some of their favorite things at this age. It was such a great idea, not only to help the kids feel comfortable, but they turned out to be some of Stacey’s (and my) favorites. We played ring-around-the-rosie, walked around the lake, and made silly faces. The kids kept me smiling and running the entire session! Cliff and Stacey definitely have their hands full, as well as their hearts!