In-Studio Lifestyle Newborn Photography Session | Baby Harvey

There’s nothing like welcoming a new family of three to the studio for their lifestyle newborn photography session. Spending the morning with Harvey and his parents was no exception. They were buzzing with excitement and love for their new baby boy. Little Harvey was so sweet all throughout the session. He slept for most of it, but he did give us all a sleepy smile- the cutest!
Harvey’s mama was stunning in the dress she chose to bring from her own closet. Funnily enough, we had just added it to the studio wardrobe so it’s available to all mama’s who book a session! The soft blue floral pattern and the easy, elegant and flowing silhouette complimented her so well. I know from my own experience as a new mom that the time after you give birth can feel overwhelming with all the new changes taking place. My goal is to give you a bit of reprieve and allow you to relax enough to enjoy the small moments with your growing family. From the time you reach out and inquire all the way through delivering your gallery, I will walk you through the whole process. And on the day of your session? I will help you feed, change, make outfit selections, swaddle, burp, rock, and love on your baby and family so you can relax!
Please contact me if you’re looking for an in-studio lifestyle newborn photography session. I would love to work with you! You can also visit my portfolio here or follow me on Instagram for updates on availability and upcoming events. Additionally, head over to my Pinterest for ideas and inspiration for our session together.