Emerson Leigh | Northern Virginia Premier Birth Photographer

As a birth photographer, I get to witness and capture so many sweet memories for my families on their baby’s birthday. Thinking back to the day little Em arrived, I am overwhelmed by the love this family shares. When I walked off the elevator to meet Charlie I was welcomed by so many of their family members excitedly awaiting Em’s arrival! Samantha’s brother was able to surprise her and come down from New York, which was so special to capture, one of my all-time favorite birth images is when Emerson’s grandparents came in to meet her, you can feel the love they have for her, and for Samantha and Charlie for bringing her into the world. And finally, the doctor that delivered Samantha twenty-some years ago, was also able to deliver Emerson! Happy 1 week Birthday Emerson, you are so loved!
this is so beautiful it made me cry!