Checking-Out | Social Media Free | Personal

“Checking-out” is often something I say to my husband when I feel like getting lost in my Instagram news feed. As terrible as it is to admit, sometimes it feels good to “check-out” of my life and check into others, at least what others are putting on the internet.
This weekend I decided to completely check out of social media, delete the apps off of my phone, and not sit down at my computer. Let me tell you, it was so refreshing. I’ve seen others posts (particularly small business owners) about having social media breaks and have always wanted to try it. Its difficult to find a balance, especially because so much of the marketing for my business depends on Facebook and Instagram, but after this weekend I am realizing how vital it is to get a break once in a while. More than that, I realized how much I was able to get done, and how relaxing it felt not stressing about sharing my weekend happenings on Instagram.

He was such a trooper and walked 90% of the aquarium just holding our hands!
With all of that being said our weekend was full of quality time with each other, friends and family. On Friday, we got to have a dinner and movie date with our friends Shannon + Ryan (Shannon is the one who designed our gorgeous invitation suite). Saturday was spent taking a trip to Baltimore to the National Aquarium with my sister, her husband and my birthday buddy, Luca.
We also finally put away our Christmas decorations, started a puzzle together-I forgot how difficult they are, made our goals for this year (one of my business goals is to blog personal posts, I’m starting with a bang!), binge watched some OTH on netflix, and hosted my parents for dinner!
Have you ever tried a social-media break? How did you like it?
ps-all of these photos were taken with iPhones, so excuse the quality.