6 Tips For Your In Studio Newborn Session

Studio sessions are one of my favorite ways to capture you and your new baby! These sessions are simple, timeless, natural, and allow for me to take care of all of the set up and clean up before and after the session for you! Having your newborn photos captured in my studio allows for us to keep the focus on the love your family has for your newborn baby and the connection between you and your partner, instead of spending your energy worrying about preparing your own home for a session.
Below are a few tips that will help to ensure our session runs smoothly and with a happy baby!
1. Most newborns do not fill out their clothes and are usually more content when wrapped up in a swaddling blanket. I will provide a simple white one for use while in the studio, but I recommend that you bring your baby in a plain, white onesie. Pack a spare onesie, and of course a few all white diapers just in case we need to do a quick change during the session. (I keep some plain white diapers on hand at the studio if needed) If you wish to bring your own swaddling blanket, I recommend these from a trusted vendor. They are the best for swaddling as the organic cotton material is the perfect combination of soft and stretchy!

2. Having a happy baby is key to ensuring our session goes smoothly, and happy babies are ones with full bellies! When you arrive, I will ask that you feed your baby before we begin shooting. Typically I begin shooting newborns by themselves, so while I begin photographing, mama will have a few minutes to make her final selection from the studio wardrobe.

3. Speaking of the studio wardrobe, before your session I will send you a guide to the studio wardrobe, with styling secrets that will help you look and feel your best. I ask that you and your partner coordinate your color selections, not match. For men, khaki pants, or gray chinos work well with a soft white henley or linen button up! Finally, there are no needs for shoes or socks since we use a relaxed, lifestyle approach to the session. So please keep in mind that your bare feet may be visible in your portraits and prepare to your comfort level.

4. Arrive with your hair and makeup already completed and feel free to dress in whatever you are most comfortable in to travel. Because most of the studio wardrobe is soft, neutral colors, I always encourage nude undergarments. Bring your strapless bra even if you’re not planning for an off- the-shoulder dress, just in case!

5. Remember to relax, babies can sense if you are anxious! Newborn sessions can take some time as these little ones like to be snuggled, fed and changed frequently. I do not keep track of the time and never schedule other sessions the same day as a newborn session as a way to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere.. We will have plenty of time to capture you and your family in those first few weeks!

6. Bonus for Mama’s with toddlers: I always recommend having the toddler “practice” holding the baby before your in studio newborn session. Use extra pillows if you have to, or have the toddler sit in your lap with the baby in the toddler’s lap for support. It is good to have a “treat” on hand, such as m&m’s, fruit snacks or teddy grahams. Something that we can reward the toddler with each time they smile or kiss the baby for a picture tends to encourage them more than promising a larger treat at the end! (Hint: Mini marshmallows work brilliantly with minimal chances of drool/stains on their clothes!)
I hope this information helps you feel more prepared and able to come into the studio relaxed and ready for a calm, enjoyable session!