Lincoln Carter | Alexandria VA | Birth Photographer

Sweet Lincoln was my first birth baby who was born at home, and it was incredible to witness. His mama, Beverly had contractions for days before she actually went into labor and gave me the heads up that he would be making his arrival.
When I arrived, I was welcomed by Thomas, who made sure I felt right at home with more snacks than most grocery stores hold, as well as a place to get comfy in case I was there all night! To say I am thankful for wonderful clients who welcome me into their homes and birthing spaces is an understatement, and I am especially thankful for Beverly and Thomas for allowing me to be the one to capture Lincoln’s birthday, they are truly the kind of clients that turn into dear friends!
Great Photos thanks for all your support throughout this process. Not sure if you know this but you naturally became our doula just saying!
Amazing pictures and even better experience!
Tom & Bev- love the pics! Your photog needs to move to NY ASAP in time for Lincoln’s cousin’s birth in August!
Wow great photos, love the real-life photography. Memories that will last forever. Can’t wait to finally see Lincoln Carter Maldonado along with Bev and Thomas of course.
Incredible photos and its amazing how she captured every moment. Lincoln looks so adorable. Can’t wait to meet him in person! Will have to come visit soon!
Ahh these photos made me cry! In a good way. 😉 Beautiful photos of such an amazing experience! I’m so happy for you guys!
The photos are beyond amAzing! So beautiful you truly captured the moment. Beverly is such a champ!!!! Baby Lincoln is gorgeous.
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I am so delighted that Beverly and Thomas decided to do this and capture every amazing moment of Lincoln Carter’s birthday. Emily, I heard about how wonderful and supportive you were with them so thank you so much for that- it really means a lot. I can’t wait to meet my little man and spoil him 😉
-Aunt Bianca
I love this album! I cried going through it and I am so grateful that you captured these beautiful moments since I haven’t gotten to meet Lincoln yet! Emily thank you so much! You are so talented and I’m recommending you to all my friend in Virginia and DC! Lincoln is the cutest baby of all time!
-Aunt Esperanza
Amazing photos. So happy for you Thomas and Bev!!
Such wonderful photos! So excited to meet the little guy Never looking at an inflatable pool the same way again. Congrats!
Wow, what an awesome array of of moments captured!
Congrats Thomas and Bev
Amazing. Congratulations you guys. Can’t wait to meet Lincoln
Congratulations! These photos are great. Bev looks like a badass. Tell baby Lincoln that his Uncle Blake is coming to the east coast in June.
Emily- This album is absolutely stunning! You really caught the different phases of the birth process beautifully. Not to mention you were great company through the experience. Thanks for everything!
Emily, your photos capture the love throughout Beverly and Tomas’ beautiful life-changing milestone. For all of the family and friends that weren’t able to physically be there with them, these photos easily suffice. Thank you for sharing with us!
I am literally in tears looking at these photos! These pictures are proof that magic exists. So thankful to know this beautiful couple and can’t wait to meet little Lincoln in person. You are truly talented, Emily! Incredible work.
This is so beautiful! What an amazing memento of such a life changing experience! These photos made my day and are absolutely inspiring!!!
What a beautiful memory of labor and the birth of Lincoln captured. These photos are amazing and so touching. I am so proud of Beverly for how strong a woman she is! Congratulations to you all!
What gorgeous photos and so inspiring! Congratulations Beverly and Thomas!
Love, love, love these photos! They really show how beautiful and calm a home birth can be and what labor is like with a caring, involved partner and support team.
Such beautiful pictures! I’m so proud of you Beverly….you are amazing! And it looks like you had a great partner in Thomas. Lincoln is a lucky little boy to have you guys as parents. Congrats to you both!!
These pictures are exquisite! The one of Beverly lounging in the pool and then the one of her holding him chest to chest immediately following delivery perfectly capture the both the beauty and the tremendous physical effort and exertion of birth. Beverly and Tomas, you are awesome for sharing this experience with us, and your photographer is amazing. Lincoln is one lucky little dude!
These are so amazing! What a fantastic way to remember such an incredible event! Congratulations!!
What a wonderful way to make this moment memorable! Love all the pictures and the naturally in all of them. Bervely you fantasize about this moment, you dream of it, this was exactly what you wanted form the first moment you though about having a baby… And it was PERFECT!!!
Congratulation again you too for this blessing in your life that is defenitely going to change it for better!
Have no don’t that you two are going to do a great job as parents!
Hops to be able to see your guys soon!!!!
I thought after attending the baby shower, I had seen it all. However, the miracle of life is beautiful and these gorgeous pictures captured it. Thank you Bev and Tomas for sharing this experience with us.
These photos are just gorgeous! Congratulations Beverly, and best wishes for you and your family!